15 years of KRUSH (plus… my very first newsletter)

I thought about what I wanted to cover in my first newsletter; the first email to celebrate the launch of my new site and 15 years of being in business. There are so many topics I want to cover, but there was one in particular that stood out. As I recognize this milestone, it felt right to acknowledge my early clients. The ones who took a chance on me as a young creative. Among my very first was my dad’s friend Tom who challenged me with a lot of good questions and was open to my ideas. I have early memories with Stephanie and Tony at Gallo, and Moli at Redhook Brewery (which I now think is owned by Cisco Brewers, but it was a fun gig and I ended up with some great free merch). When I moved to Connecticut it was Farm to Hearth, Jonathan Edwards Winery, BarreCoast, Saltwater Farm Vineyard, Buzz Media, Full Heart Farm and Sift to name a few. I have a vivid memory of meeting Adam and Ebbie for the first time at Yellow House in the boro where he told me about his vision for his bake shop.

To those who saw something in me and connected with my work, THANK YOU. There are so many more who aren’t named here, but I reflect on all of my projects and clients often.

I certainly put in the grind, but without my amazing clients, I wouldn’t be celebrating 15 years. My hope is I continue to help businesses grow, and connect communities through thoughtful design.

Here’s to krushing the next 15 and beyond,


You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
— Zig Ziglar


Listening to: Mat Kearney’s new jam… Headlights Home

Shopping small: Was recently visiting a friend in Woodstock, VT and she introduced me to this fantastic shop (you can also order online)

Inspired by: This journal

In the kitchen: A homemade milk that doesn’t require pushing anything through a cheese cloth? Count me in.

AI was not used in the making of this entry.

Anything I recommend in my emails I have tested for a length of time and love.
I am not paid for anything I recommend, though I’m happy to be paid (
only if I think it is that good).


10% Happier… Plus a recent launch for a consulting studio in NC